What Are People Saying About Greater PROPERTY Group?

Rocky Mix Reviews Greater PROPERTY Group Real Estate Brokerage​

My name is Rocky Mix. I’m a realtor with the Greater Property Group. The training today was just another example of what sets GPG apart from everyone else’s. I had within a month and a half, the past month and a half, I had six transactions, five of which were, um, because I was with the Greater Property Group, I know no other brokerage that I went with would’ve given me the opportunity to have that much activity hitting every threshold that they need to, as far as what’s going.

Greater PROPERTY Group Brokerage review by Ap Bromley

When I first started my real estate career, I was doing it all wrong. I thought I had to dress a certain way. I thought I had to hide the fact that I’m covered in tattoos. I thought I had to put on some phony sales voice, and I just was not being my authentic self. I quickly learned people didn’t care about any of those things. They just wanted somebody to take care of them, to look after their best interest, protect them and have their back. They wanted to be treated like you would treat your family. So I took off the suits through the baseball.

Carlos & Chelsea Rodriguez Review Greater PROPERTY Group Real Estate Brokerage

we think Greater Property Group. It’s really just providing us with this great platform and all of the tech. To support our business. Actually, the lead generation providing like great leads already from the hobby, the lead generation aspect of it. I mean, Nathan and, and David got something going on that’s very powerful here up in Canada.

Jesse Sklar Reviews Greater PROPERTY Group Real Estate Brokerage

The Greater Property Group has so many unique selling propositions, but my favorite has to be the one two Free program. It allows me to give my clients some of the commissions back, and the program is so effective. I just did four deals in one week, all from that program. I would recommend the Greater Property Group to an agent or a team looking to make a change.

Myron Masterson Reviews Greater PROPERTY Group Real Estate Brokerage

I would absolutely recommend the greater property group. We have had our house sold fast, top dollar hassle. But even more impressive, they offered us the one two free program to get part of our commission back or all of it. The commission could actually be as low as zero. Today. I’m proud and happy to be the recipient of a fairly large check that was given to us for referring a family member to the Greater Property Group, happy to be given this check to Myron. Thanks, Jesse.

Greg Williamson Reviews Greater PROPERTY Group Real Estate Brokerage

My name is Greg Williamson. I’m a co-founder and president of Blink Mortgage. I’ve been partners with the Greater Property Group for about three years. My greatest hobby is dirt bike riding in the mountains in Alberta, with my best friends on camping. I’ve been in the mortgage business for 26 years.

Alex Tryon Reviews Greater PROPERTY Group Real Estate Brokerage

Look, everybody talks about their passion, being passionate, finding their passion, you know, all the cliches, but at the end of the day, it’s something you just do. It’s deeply ingrained in you. It’s an indelible force that separates the Jedi. From the mediocre, it pushes you to your limits while loving it, beaten, defeated, kicked down. Get back up, fight harder. Rinse and repeat. Gimme some more. I’m passionate about what I do. GPG is the jet fuel that I pour on that fire. My passion can’t be extinguished. GPG.

Commissions Inc. VP's of marketing Review Greater PROPERTY Group Real Estate Brokerage

Greater PROPERTY Group Brokerage review by the VP’s at Commissions Inc. I like the fact that you guys are fast-paced movers at the Greater Property Group and you’re constantly changing, evolving, and pushing that envelope. I felt the energy, I felt the trust, the belief in, in what you guys are teaching them. Just to see how everybody has grown, um, from where they were to where they are now. It’s remarkable, what you guys have done. If you’re looking for growth and taking us to that next level and not looking back, this is where you need to be.

James Harris + Ricky Blair review Greater PROPERTY Group Real Estate Brokerage

Have you ever attended the GPG Mastermind Meeting with Platform Seven’s Ricky Blair and Million Dollar Listings LA’s James Harris? We are still pumped about it! Check out what James and Ricky had to say about Greater PROPERTY Group and have a peek at what happened in this fun, informative, and inspiring Mastermind session with two of the real estate industry’s most valuable gems!

Greater PROPERTY Group Brokerage Info-Session Backstage Pass + Tour: See what makes GPG Different

The Greater PROPERTY Group is a National residential and commercial Real Estate Brand, known for our unique selling propositions, exceptional service, and well-edited marketing and branding. The Greater PROPERTY Group separates itself as natural industry disruptors through our focus on leading edge technology and innovative consumer programs for both Buyers and Sellers. We’re committed to helping our Agents achieve long term career success.


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