Brad Lea is a successful entrepreneur, businessman, author, keynote speaker, and family man.  With extensive experience in sales, life, and business, Brad is dedicated to helping people become better individuals. He shares his insights as the host of the popular podcast “Dropping Bombs,” where he discusses business and personal development strategies. His mission is to bridge the knowledge gap, connecting those who have valuable insights with those who need them. Brad is also known for his straightforward approach and common-sense wisdom. He’s not only a successful CEO and investor but also a respected thought leader and philanthropist. We covered the following topics:

  • Are We Living in a Matrix? 
  • Why the Media is Full of it!
  • When Google Doesn’t Like You!  
  • Why The Olympics Are Stupid!
  • The Trump Assassination Attempt 
  • Does Joe Biden Have a Body Double? 
  • Who Really Runs Things? 
  • The Global Control System
  • The Biggest Mistake Entrepreneurs Make 
  • The Best Money-Making Advice You Will Ever Hear
  • Focusing on Your Habits
  • The Impact of Steve Jobs
  • What is Your Frequency?

Every week, the RUN GPG Podcast aims to provide inspirational stories from people who made a mark in entrepreneurship, entertainment, personal development, and the real estate industry. It is produced by the GREATER PROPERTY GROUP to help the audience grow and scale their business and their life.

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Brad Lee is a successful entrepreneur, businessman, author, keynote speaker, and family man. With extensive experience in sales, life, and business, Brad is dedicated to helping people become better individuals. He shares his insights as the host of the popular podcast, Dropping Bombs, where he discusses business and personal development strategies.

His mission is to bridge the gap, connecting those who have valuable insight with those who need them. Brad is also known for his straightforward approach and common sense wisdom. He’s not only a successful CEO and investor, but also a respected thought leader and philanthropist. Brad it’s good to see you again.

Welcome back to the show. Well, thank you for having me honored to be back twice. Well, you know, you actually joined some interesting company, uh, Andy Frisella, Grant Cardone, Chris Voss. So, yeah, like those are some pretty big guests and, and you joined the ranks of those, uh, you know, repeat guests. As I was saying, though, I’m looking forward to talking to you because it seems like, you know, since we last talked, uh, the world’s gone crazy.

The world’s gone mental, right? Like, um, It seems like we’re actually living in a simulation or something, right? So, I was looking forward to speaking with you because when it comes to things like that and when the world gets crazy, there’s only a few people I think could make sense of it or at least have an interesting opinion and you are one of them.

So, I’ll start with an easy one, Brad. Are we living in a matrix? Well, I don’t believe so. I don’t think so. I mean, again, you got to define the word matrix. You know, when the Tate brothers use it, they’re talking about, you know, the matrix because of the movie. But in reality, I watched the movie. So when I hear matrix, I think, do I believe that there’s.

Like, you know, this isn’t real. No, I believe that this is real. Unfortunately, uh, some of the things that are going on are mind blowing, meaning I can’t believe there are people that exist that are that, uh, blind, naive, um, hateful, lost, et cetera. But then again, I mean, you know, we are flawed, you know, so you, you would think you’re going to find some.

Some messed up ones, but collectively bro. Yeah, the world’s gone a little crazy seemingly I don’t really follow as much of the drama as most, because I don’t believe in negative headlines and press and stupidity. Not to mention, I’ve already determined that the media lies. And so, if you’ve already come to the conclusion that the media lies, then why are you listening to it?

You know, they say, well, we’re heading for a war. Well, how do you know we’re heading for a war? Well, there’s a bird flu coming. Is there a bird flu coming? Like Trudeau’s screwing up Canada. They’re taking their guns away. You know, is that what’s really happening? I don’t know. And I realize that I don’t know, and I’m not going to listen to the same people that I just said are full of s t.

How am I going to say the media is full of s t, which I do, and then believe anything that I see on it? So when it’s, when it’s bias or, or confirmation bias, meaning I see something that I identify with, so I’m gonna be like, yeah, see, see, and basically that’s fueling my position. And so these social media platforms, they have these algorithms and they know who sees what and who likes what so you can get somebody leaning a little to the left and they stop and they start bombarding them to push them all the way left.

Then they start seeing some people lean into the right a little bit and then they start bombarding them. To push them to the left. Well, why? Well, because dude, when you watch social media, do you see the, the conspiracy videos and the, Oh my God, Biden’s did this and, you know, hunters that, and all the stuff, or do you see Trump’s a dirty criminal and Republicans are all trying to take away democracy?

What do you see? I think you’re absolutely right. I think, I think. You know, social TikTok, Instagram, etc. has done a fantastic job of pushing you into the camp they think you’re in, you know what I mean? I think that’s, that’s what’s happening. I think you nailed it. Okay, the algorithm is showing you what they think you want to see more of, so you will stay on longer.

So if you want to see the drama, guess what they’re going to show you a lot of? If you like somebody’s picture once, it’s going to show you more of those, those people’s pictures. If you’re following certain people and you comment and engage and like, and, and, and rewind and watch twice their content.

Instagram and Tik TOK and these platforms, they know this. And they’re like, okay, Morrell wants more of this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So if you ever want to see what somebody’s truly like, just look at their social media. You know, if you go to the search feature and it’s a page full of chicks in bikinis, the dudes watching chicks in bikinis all day, that’s what he likes.

If you see a page full of fricking puppy dogs, well, then whoever’s Page that is, you know, always watches those puppy dog videos. So knowing this, knowing this number one, you can reverse hack that, but also knowing this, you have to realize who owns these platforms and what’s their position. And then you start to realize like Zuckerberg obviously against Trump, right?

So that’s why you started to hear that, you know, this whole thing is leaning left and they’re blocking things. Like right now, try to Google. President Trump assassination. And guess what? You see nothing because Google won’t let you search it. Why not? Like, I don’t see the, the, what I mean is like, okay, if that’s not true, cause that’s what, that’s what the media say, if that’s not true, well, then it’s total bull, but what if it is true?

And then Google folks doesn’t like you. Oh brother. I’d say you’re in trouble when, when, when companies. And people and the powers that be that are that powerful don’t like you, dude. You got to be one bad son of a to deal with that. Why Google doesn’t like you? You’re screwed, bro. Yeah, you know, yeah, no, it’s meta doesn’t like you.

Oh yeah, it’s all valid. It’s all valid. I think TikTok especially does a great job of Of doing that, like really hacking your brain in a way. And not only that, I mean, you can really, you know, the way they’ve designed, it’s incredible because you start scrolling and, you know, 30 minutes goes by and it feels like you blinked.

Right. They do a good job of that. And, you know, speaking of like algorithms and what’s in your view page, et cetera, the Olympics is going on. I don’t know if you’ve watched any of the Olympics. I don’t watch any of it, but the opening ceremony, did you watch the opening ceremony? Did you, what are your thoughts on it?

My thoughts are again, who’s running things? Like who at the Olympics or on the Olympics committee thought it would be a good idea. And they said, apparently they’re just trying to be inclusive again, folks, to me, you got to think about this work, inclusive. We’re trying to be inclusive. Well, first of all, to answer your question, Dave, I thought ridiculous and didn’t think about it again.

Why? Because dude, again, I don’t pay attention to the negative headlines and drama or things I can’t control. It makes no sense. It makes no point to get all upset and ruin your day and ruin everybody else’s day that’s in your life because of some stupid headline about some stupid freaking event. You’re calling the Olympic stupid.

Yeah. I’m calling the Olympic stupid. Okay. I don’t give a rat’s ass about the Olympics or how they opened it, but when they go out of their way, like they did to basically include people at the same time, they wanted to be inclusive. Way more. So again, it’s like, I think it was stupid on their part, but I also don’t care because I’m not paying attention to stupidity.

I think they went out of their way to offend people. Like, you know, it was, it was wild watching cause I did watch it live and I thought, man, this is, this is insane. Like, what are we watching here? You know, but what it did was it made me not want to watch the Olympics. So like you said, I don’t know who’s, who’s running things, but I found it.

I found it A very odd opening ceremonies, but it’s it’s everywhere and they’re still talking about apparently the Olympic committee took down the footage now and took it down from YouTube because of the backlash, etc. But I found it offensive. I didn’t like it. Um, anyways, interesting opinion. And then you did mention, I mean, all that’s happened in the last few weeks is just kind of crazy.

When you think about it, you take a step back and you think about what’s happened in the last few weeks. We literally had an attempted assassination of president Trump. We had that only a few weeks ago. Like, where were you and what were your thoughts when you first heard about that attempted assassination?

I believe I was on a flight to Nashville, Tennessee. I got a house out there. So, my wife and I were cruising at about 38, 000 feet and she said, Someone just tried to shoot Trump. And I said, I knew it. My opinion is no way in hell, the dude on that little baby sloped roof. And he’s, she said she didn’t want to stick agents up there because of their safety, shut the hell up.

We’re talking about fricking secret service fool. We’re talking about people that are supposed to be the most elite. Law enforcement people on planet earth, the, the, the baddest asses in the world. They’re protecting the world’s leaders when they come, they’re protecting the president. They’ve got supposedly years of training, all the equipment in the world, and they can’t find a long haired dips**t on a roof this big.

And when they do, they say, Oh, it was for their safety. They didn’t want, that’s a lie. Okay. And then like eight shots rang out, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Then you see video of that, that sniper with the guy in his sights and he, and he still got off eight shots. Dude, somebody allowed that to happen in my opinion.

Yeah, it is. That’s a, that’s a common opinion. There’s too much weirdness around it, but had to ask your opinion. Listen, I mean, this might get you canceled and, uh, might get me canceled. Why? Well, cause dude, the whole world apparently doesn’t like Trump and wants him dead. And I knew, and I told people. Dude, when they tried to get him arrested and that didn’t work and they’re trying to get him look, you know, smeared with fricking Russian collusion and that didn’t work and they tried to do everything.

Some b***h just keeps playing golf and smirking at him and, and, and you get enough powerful people against you, dude, I, you know, they’re going to do exactly. Coincidentally, what takes us, the matrix will do. They are going to, you know, throw you in prison if they can, they’re going to smear your reputation so everybody thinks you’re a crook and a bad person, get you alienated.

And if all that doesn’t work, they’re going to eliminate you. And dude, when someone’s eliminated, there’s no more from them. So it’s like, I said before, dude, there’s going to be an assassination attempt. And I’ll bet you, Dave, if you research and you had access to the truth, I’ll bet you this isn’t the first one either.

I’ll bet you they’ve had a bunch of people try, just nobody got this close. And again, I mean, like, dude, listen, I understand people’s differences and everybody has their own perspective on things, but dude, killing somebody because they believe one thing and you believe another, like, dude, that’s stupidity.

Live and let live, bro. Yeah. I couldn’t agree more. Um. Interesting, though, like this is like historic stuff that’s happened, you know, and then you have a president stepping down or well, anyway, stepping aside, I guess, not not running again. And then there’s a lot of theories around that. Now, again, my algorithm, you know, Biden might have a body double.

I don’t know. He might have a body. He seems to be six inches taller, according to the videos I’m being served. Does Biden have a body double? I don’t know. I mean, again, bro, nothing is out of the question. You know, if you think I’m going to sit here and give you all my opinions as if I know and I’m certain and I believe, I don’t know.

And if I don’t know, I’m not going to pretend that I, that I believe. I think it’s possible. Why? I think it’s very possible. We didn’t land on the moon. I think it’s very possible that we lie to the public. I think it’s very possible that there’s some high powered people that are, that are connected.

Because dude, listen, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street own 88 percent of all the companies on freaking the S& P, I believe, which are the main companies of the world. The media is controlled by five companies. If you’ve seen the video where they’re all saying the same, and then you realize somebody can tell those employees because that’s what they are.

They’re journalists. No, they’re an employee. Okay. And they’ll, they’ll run the story and be told what to say. And I think they are. And who, who runs them? Well, again, so that means that there’s all these, you know, big, powerful, rich people at the top. Yes, I do believe that there is big, powerful group at the top that really and truly runs things.

Otherwise, why would we have. Poisons in our food and the FDA is okay with it. The food and drug administration, why are they mixing food and drug? Like that don’t make any sense at all. And then, you know, it’s regulation and bureaucracy and nonsense. It’s a machine. It is, it is broken. And I’m telling you right now, there should be term limits that it’s easy to fix if they wanted it to, but they don’t want it to be fixed because it’s a machine.

And there anyone that tries to mess with that machine, We’ll get whacked. So if you don’t want to get whacked, I would say freaking, you know, pipe down a little bit and work in intelligently and silently and, you know, try to help with your mouth shut a little bit. Why? Well, because as you know, you know, the internet has ears.

This phone right now knows. What I’m saying, and it is, I guarantee you, recording every ** bit of it, and I’ll bet you this camera’s on, even though it isn’t. So at the end of the day, we’re being recorded almost 24 hours a day. I do believe that. I do believe that this data is all compiled into, uh, a database where if they wanna find David Morell right now, if somebody in the Secret Service wants to know who and where you are and shut off your credit cards.

And ring your cell phone and disconnect your cell phone. I mean, it’s all possible. Yeah, there’s, there’s a, there’s a, it’s not the president that runs things like, dude, that’s the whole thing. They, they got us fighting over who’s going to be president. When in reality, the truth is they’re not running it anyway.

You think brick and Trump’s going to come save the world only if they allow it. You know, it’s funny. I I just read too that I think it’s Blackrock bought or is in the process of buying 23andMe or Ancestry. com or whatever that is. Whatever that is. You know, where you send your DNA and it tells you everything about and now, isn’t it wild that Blackrock is buying for?

I can’t remember what the the the dollar amount was but that is a really valuable data, isn’t it? Yeah. So, again, I mean, like, you know, it depends on how you look at things. So, I’ll give you an example. There’s a conspiracy that Bill Gates is buying up all the farmland. Now, someone will say, well, That’s not a conspiracy.

He is buying up all the farmland. He really is. If you look in his public record. Okay. So he’s buying up all the farmland. Now the question is, is why? Well, because he wants to poison us and, and, and decrease the population and control the food. Again, that’s one way you can look at it. But did you also know that there’s massive tax advantages to For buying farmland for some reason there’s loopholes and whatnot for agriculture and farmers to where it might be tax wise and profit wise beneficial to own farmland and he’s got so much money why not buy it all up it’s just sitting there so who knows what’s the truth we’ll never know the truth you understand that People will say, well, we will one day.

Well, again, maybe because the truth always comes to light, but to me, I don’t think it’s going to affect me when people start getting conspiratory conspiratorial, I should say with, you know, the poison in the foods they’re putting, they’re putting MRNA vaccinations in the meat, just so you’re vaccinated, you know, that’s to me a little bit extreme, although it could be possible if it were true, Dave.

If it were true and you know for a fact it’s true and you had proof that it’s true and you started blowing the whistle and there was that evil cabal everyone’s talking about wouldn’t they just Shut you off social media, shut you off the television, shut you off the radio. They own them all. I’m going to hear you.

Nobody, nobody, you realize you could scream in your neighborhood all day long and show pictures of people that, uh, that, you know, there were aliens in your backyard. And, and literally if a news company didn’t pick up that you, you could tell everybody for 10 years straight, not even make it out of your city.

So the, so the social media and the media is how the world gets its news and information. So information control is who has the power. So whoever, whoever has, whoever controls the information. Controls the power. Uh 100 percent couldn’t agree more and I do like your attitude about it which is you know control what you can.

Um I find if you go down the rabbit hole too far it ends up you know draining your time and energy of course and also it’s too much sometimes right? You wanna focus on the positive obviously. So, how you talking my language brother? Yeah, 100 percent but you are a guy with opinions. That’s why I wanted to ask about some current events, some big ones, historic current events, and of course, if I mean, we talked about you running for president some years ago, right?

It’s a thing. If you could change one thing on your first day as president, what would that be? My first day as president, I would do away with the ability to lobby. There’s no more of that. I would also make it completely against the rules for you to be in government longer than a two to four year period.

You go do your voluntary bid. You know, your civil duty and then you go back. And by the way, any rules that you make while you’re there, you’re gonna have to live by. Oh, try that. I’ll bet you some rules would change real quick. I bet you some laws would change real quick. If the laws of the people making the laws were the same as everybody else’s laws.

Mm-Hmm. . But you realize the, the, our laws are not the same for them. Mm-Hmm. . Well, the lobbying is interesting. I do like that because you know, whoever puts the most money in your pocket, that’s the way you’re going to vote, right? That’s the way you’re going to pass theoretically in theory, right? Cause it means money in your pocket.

Okay. But I mean, like I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t, if I were president, someone came to me and I was totally against, for example, mandatory, you know, jabs, you know, how when the country’s locked down, I mean, dude, you don’t, must we forget what happened just a couple of years ago? Must we forget, look at Australia, look at Canada, look at what happened over the flu.

And if you think that was just a coincidence, guys, that was 1, 000, 000 percent a test. That was a test of the, you ever heard, Hey, this is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test. Okay. That’s what you should have heard with that whole thing. This is a test of the global control abilities.

This is simply a test. But if they did that, then they wouldn’t have been able to see what they saw. And what they saw is, you know, there’s a good number of people, the majority, which was surprising. It seemed by the way, because you don’t know that that’s what the media inferred, but the majority of the world complied, you know, refused to get the job.

Well, if that’s true again, dude, that was a test to see how, how much control they actually have. Yeah. Um, a lot think that a lot think that it was, uh, it wasn’t that long ago. You know, when you think about it, by the way, and by the way, the stupidity is what gets me, you know, riled up the stupidity. Like for example, I remember you have to wear a mask to walk into this restaurant.

But you can take it off once you sit there and if you get up from there and go to the bathroom, you need to have your mask on. Okay, so I can walk in here. I mean, I can’t walk in here without a mask. But once I’m in here and I’ve sat down, I can turn, I can take my mask off. Yeah. But if I get back up and even switch chairs from here to there, I gotta put my mask on to do it.

Yeah. See, that’s the stupid part. And I cannot believe how many people participated in the stupidity. Mm-Hmm. or the plexiglass. Remember the plexiglass, like the virus won’t go to round the plexiglass. Right. Well, listen, if I’m a business and the, and the, and the government said, Hey, if you want to keep your license, you got a plexiglass.

I’d put up plexiglass to stay in business. But when they told everybody. You cannot be open. You are shut down, period. We don’t care if you’re being destroyed. You will not move. There is a virus in this world that’s going to kill everybody. The hospitals are packed. And by the way, when they started saying that the hospitals were packed, I drove down to some hospitals and the ones they showed on the news as being packed were not packed.

And I’m like, dude, see, this is weird to me. So am I a conspiracy theorist? No, but damn dude, the evidence and the that I’m looking at, unless of course it’s fake to kind of, kind of, kind of spells that some of this stuff is not conspiracy. It is actual. And it is real like Jeffrey Epstein, dude, you don’t think, I mean, can you imagine who, who has decided The list is not important.

We don’t know. You don’t. We’re not gonna release the list. Why not? Who decided that needs to be fired and removed? Whoever said this list can be, you know, held private. That person’s involved. That person’s guilty. What’s the purpose that we can’t see that list? And by the way, what’s on the list? Well, names of everybody that went to his island.

Does that make him a bad guy? If you went to the island, not necessarily. No, I don’t believe so. Why? Well, because dude, what if you just got invited to a island and on a private jet and you had no idea and you went and it was a little weird, you know, there was freaking, you know, weirdness going on. You’re like, dude, what the is this?

I’m getting out of here. Now, all of a sudden you’re a scumbag because you went to that island. No. But it’s a good indication that you’re a scumbag and it’ll give us a clear idea of who to keep an eye on. You know what I’m saying? Cause like, Hey, I ain’t convicting you cause you were on that jet. But if you’re on that jet, I am suspicious now.

Like Stephen Hawking. Um, just like anybody listen, it was clear that he was running underage girls. He was a fricking pimp man from underage girls. And, and it was clear that he had footage of a lot of powerful people participating with those younger age girls. Or boys. So at the end of the day, he had massively damning evidence on everybody.

Yeah, he really did. And that’s why he had so much power. Because dude, when you’ve got those guys. Locked down to a frickin if you do anything to me, these will be released and you will be done and probably in prison. You’re, if I’m the judge, you know, not guilty. Let that man go. Hey, quit investigating that man.

Like, dude, come on. If people don’t think people can be corrupt, they’re, they’re naive. There’s corrupt people in powerful positions. That’s all I’m saying. Yeah, no, I agree with you. Moving along, moving along from the headlines. Uh, like I said, it’s always good to get your opinion because you’re an opinionated guy and it’s always interesting to talk to you about this stuff.

Um, last time you were on the show, it’s been a while. You were just about to release your first book. The hard way lessons I learned the hard way, so you don’t have to, uh, I read it. I enjoyed it. Uh, and in it, you share some personal stories and lessons from your life as an entrepreneur, highlighting the mistakes you made and the valuable insights lessons you learned.

It’s practical advice, right? Um, very interesting book. What’s the feedback been? How’s it, how’s, how’s it been since you released the book? It is funny that the book had great feedback and I finally, I finally forced myself to go in the studio and create the audio version. Oh, nice. Number one, that’s, you know, grinding.

Yeah. Um, I was, I got frustrated and I’m generally not frustratable, but, but, uh, as I was reading the book, I realized that this book was not properly written and it was not, uh, uh, properly edited. How do I know? Well, because I wrote every word of it and, and, and, and I didn’t write it well. In my, in my opinion, why?

Well, ’cause when I read the book, and I would, and I know what I was meaning to say, but I read the words, it didn’t really sound right. And so I’m like, well, what I meant was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it’s like, okay, well say it like that then. So as I went through the book, I’m like, guys. This book’s not written well.

And again, I’m not, you know, putting anyone down. That’s me that wrote it. And, uh, I didn’t do a ghostwriter and then it wasn’t edited well, meaning there was a section that I remember deleting, right? And, and this paragraph and, and the rest of what it said is now this paragraph and, and this, and it doesn’t match.

And I’m reading it to do the audio and I’m like, dude, this don’t match. That’s not right. That’s not where I, that’s someone, someone didn’t catch this. This is almost like an error. But what’s crazy is everybody loves the book that read the book. And there’s a lot of people that are like, dude, I’ve read it 15 times.

Great fricking book. Everyone needs to know these lessons. And you know, Holy moly, dude, that book changed my life. And I’m like, well, again, technically it changed mine too, because learning all those things is why I’m where I’m at today. So at the end of the day, I could see that there’s massive value in that book, but man, as a self, uh, a judge of myself, I need to, I need to do better, Dave.

I need to do better. That’s almost embarrassing. I almost wish I could snap my fingers, get it back, rewrite it and re release it. You know, sometimes we’re always harder on ourselves. And plus, you know, plus now it’s been years since I wrote it and I’ve evolved. 100 percent Yeah, I get it. I look back at some of the things I recorded or wrote years ago, and I’m mortified to think that those words were coming out of my mouth sometimes, right?

Um, it’s true. But, you know, speaking of lessons learned and we’re talking about entrepreneurship, you know, what are some of the biggest or most common mistakes you see new entrepreneurs making? Believe it or not, man, they seem always just saying that. But the truth is, the biggest mistakes I see most entrepreneurs make is They fail to take enough action.

Like in other words, their activity levels are not high enough. They’re doing, they’re doing what they’re doing, what they think they need to do. Instead of doing everything they can do. We can all do more, but we don’t. And I think the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is underestimate how much action and activity it must be taken in order to achieve their goals.

Uh, a level of success that they’re hopefully trying to achieve. They’d be mind boggled if they just realized if I just put this much more effort into it, it would be exponentially, uh, better. Yeah, I’d agree with that. Execution trumps all like we say, right. So taking action is really important. Is there commonality you see among successful entrepreneurs?

What’s that say right there? Execution. Execution. Wow. That’s what I was talking to my coaching group last night. I got a group called Real Coaching. And I just threw it together to just, you know, hey, anybody want to talk every Wednesday? You know, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll jump on and dissect your business, answer questions, you know, teach you stuff, bring on people just to help.

And ultimately that was the word from last night, execution. And because Dave, you know, and I know like execution is what’s lacking the difference between a big company and a big idea is execution. That’s the difference. Absolutely. I couldn’t agree more. I, I talked to, you know, salespeople about this all the time.

It’s like you have to do something. You have to take action, right? Just sitting there, you know, planning, strategizing, analysis, paralysis, whatever you want to call it. So many people try to figure out ways to uh, Not work, but yes, execution trumps all.

Staying on the topic of the book and lessons learned, et cetera. Do you remember the best advice you ever received? Could be business advice, but do you remember the best advice you ever received? I don’t know if it’s the best advice I ever received because I didn’t receive it. I realized it, I learned it, and now I deliver it.

So the best advice. I’ve ever realized. And by the way, that’s compared to all the advice I’ve ever received the best advice. Well, it depends on what your goal is. Cause again, the best, the best advice to cure cancer is not the best advice to go fishing. So, I mean, at the end of the day, it’s like, what do you mean by the best advice?

But to me, one of the most valuable things I ever realized in life, thank God was to be in the position to receive commission. There’s so many people out there working with limitations and caps and salaries that I don’t even understand how they do it. And yet, if you ask those guys, they don’t understand how somebody’s willing to take a risk on a commission job.

So it’s like to be in the position to receive commission. If you start hearing that, that is mine. I’ve coined it the other day and it’s going to get big because I am going to preach. That people need to get in the position to receive commission. And that’s the best advice I can give anybody. If you’re not already in a position to receive commission, get there.

Step one. You’re not going anywhere without selling something to somebody. So you’re, you’re going to need to receive a commission. Get in the position to receive commission. Nice. Be in a position to receive commission. Oh, I love it. I love it. Um okay, moving along here. Uh habits are something you talk about a lot.

I’ve talked to you about habits. I think it’s safe to say that you know, you most likely need to develop good habits and a good routine to be successful in anything most likely, right? So, what can you say about habits and consistency and what does your daily routine look like? Well, I mean, believe it or not, you’re going to form habits, whether you want to or not, everybody were, were habitual creatures.

So you’re going to have habits, whether you want to or not. So once you realize that there’s good habits and bad habits, which ones do you have, which mixture do you have? And you want to be successful, I’m assuming the, well, then you have to, you have to come to the common sense, uh, awareness that, well, if we all have them and they’re either good or bad, and, uh, if they’re good, my life goes great.

And if they’re bad, my life goes terrible. I don’t want any bad habits. Okay, great. Well, now start auditing your habits. So I would say habits are mandatory because you’re not going to live a life without them, right? More importantly, they’re either good or bad, good or bad. That’s subjective, right? Is, is, is, uh, eating dark chocolate good or bad?

Some people will tell you that’s terrible. Some people will tell you it’s better than chocolate, you know, but at the end of the day, you know, they’re subjective, but they’re still good and bad habits. So again, I like to simplify things. So sometimes when people are like, well, no, well, listen, if it’s such no, how come the majority of the people don’t understand the simplest of things.

Like this isn’t rocket science, like fricking habits are essential because you’re a human being and you’re habitual, you’re going to have them. Okay, if I can’t help not to have them, well then I might as well have good ones. Okay, what are good ones? Well, that’s subjective. Get some auditing done and be like, you know, is getting up in the morning, Three hours late, a good thing or a bad thing, you know, ask around, get some help, you know, figure it out, but make a decision.

Okay. That’s a bad thing I’ve decided. Boom. Okay. So stop now. How do you best break a bad habit by replacing that habit with a good one? Well, here’s the three things, David, if any listener right now wants to change their life, here’s the three things that they’re going to need to focus on. And if only these three things they focus on, they will succeed in life by the definition of real success.

Okay. Number one, their mindset. You have to have a mindset of abundance, optimism, and you have to vibrate in a frequency up on the tone scale up here. Love, joy, happiness, gratitude, certainty, enthusiasm, excitement, not down here, fear, anger, worry, anxiety, depression. Uh, uh, you know, envy, like you don’t want to, you don’t want to be vibrating in that frequency, but yet there’s a lot of people that are doing it and they’re not even aware they’re doing it.

You got to get that frequency up here. Well, how do you get it up here? Well, again, I got some hacks. One of them is gratitude. Like be fricking thankful. It shifts your perspective to where now things are, they look different, you know, well, there’s not enough money in the world. There’s so much money. You can’t even get it all.

Like, trust me, there’s an abundance of money. So mindset is critically important. Now, the next one is skill sets. That depends what you want to do in life, but the skill sets that you possess are going to determine your level of success. What does that mean? Well, just like it sounds the best people in the world at anything usually get paid the most.

Yes or no? Okay. So you have to be the best at something. I can ask people, what are you really good at? And a lot of them don’t have an answer. Well, why wouldn’t you stop and realize that you need skills? I can name some, but you need skills and you need to be good at those to be successful. Yet you’re not doing what it takes to get good at something, which is repetition, practice accountability.

Now we’re starting to fall into the habits, but let me back up to skills. What skills do you need to possess to be successful? Dude, the number is a lot. You could be an anesthesiologist. That’s a skill. Um, you could be, you could be a doctor, you could be a chiropractor, you could be a fricking athlete. You could be a fricking, you know, all kinds of positions in the world to determine what skills you would need.

But my question would be, you’re going to need to learn how to sell. No matter what you do and who you are, if you want to be successful in life, you’re going to need to be persuasive and influential and be able to sell people on ideas or products or whatever. You’re going to need to be able to market.

Okay. Market, get interested people in your party. You know, you’re going to need to be fairly decent at communicating. You got, you gotta be so communicating, marketing, selling mandatory skill sets. If you can look at those, I’m like, not very good in any of those. Well, that might be an indication of why you’re not getting paid all the money either.

So skills. Okay. Then the third one is habits. What are your habits? I can see by somebody’s habits, whether their life is good or not. I don’t ask people, Hey, how you doing? If I can look at their habits, I’ll tell them how they’re doing with a hundred percent. Accuracy. Why? Well, because again, as you know, and everybody listening should know this.

If you don’t, now you do your habits, which is what you do regularly will determine where you go. So I always say the choices you make determine the road you take. Okay, so if you’re in a spot that you’re not happy with. It’s your habits that put you there. Your habit of sleeping, your habit of drinking, your habit of not answering your phone, your habit of not shaking a hand and introducing yourself, your habit of staying home, saying no, instead of going out and saying yes, your habit of saying yes, when you should say no, like whatever your habits are.

Will directly cause you to live well or, or live poorly. So all you have to do with that understanding is, man, I just need to like focus on my habits, like which ones are good and which ones are bad. Well, again, use your intuition. It’s pretty obvious what’s good and bad. And then you eliminate the bad ones and you replace them with good ones.

Like, for example, let’s say you’re a smoker or a drinker. Drinking alcohol is not a good habit. Okay, how do I know? Well, again, dude, because alcohol kills you. So, at the end of the day, when you, you know, imbibe, you’re harming your body. You’re celebrating some win for yourself by destroying your cells.

Again, people say, well, Brad, I’ve seen you drink. Yeah, I mean, I’ll have a drink now and again. What for? Social celebration stupidity. But is it actually a smart thing to do? No, it’s stupid. Drinking alcohol is poison. You know, might as well freaking, you know, slice myself on the wrist to feel alive like it’s stupid, but at the end of the day we do it now.

Those are our habits, Dave. And so if you can just say, okay, I don’t want to keep drinking or smoking. So what’s a good habit I can replace it with. Get in the habit of doing pushups. I swear to God, you’ll be better off in life. If you just drop and do 50 pushups a day, if you don’t believe me, go do it for 30 days and tell me how you feel.

You’ll look better. You’ll feel better. You’ll be stronger. You will have improved. So why don’t people do 50 pushups a day? Why don’t they form that habit? No, it’s easier to form the bad habits that make us, you know, forget the fact that we’re average and forget the fact that we’re not going anywhere in life.

We drug ourselves with mediocrity. Yeah, I’d agree with that. That’s, uh, well, those are deep and profound thoughts. Is there a philosophy you live by? Is there a philosophy? And I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you what’s interesting is, is, you know, this, this show, my show has developed over the years, just like your show has, right?

I cringe when I think about my first few episodes, looking back years ago, you know, looking at how I, I dealt with, Yeah. So the questions I asked, I used to always ask about, uh, legacy, you know, what’s your legacy and things like that. Now what I’m finding is there’s a few things, uh, truths that have come through in the show.

And I’m sure you find the same when you’re interviewing, you know, very successful people, people that are happy with their life, they’re winning, they’re doing these things, you know, you mentioned it. One is a daily gratitude practice or a feeling of thankfulness and gratitude, no matter what situation they’re in.

I, this is something that, you know, I know it sounds crazy, but it’s only I’ve discovered it the last few years where I’m I’m thinking about what am I grateful for? Am I living in the moment, right? And I don’t think enough people live in the moment. We’re always looking down instead of sitting here and realizing like, you know, you and I are sitting here having a kind of a high level conversation, you know, and I’m really thankful for that.

I’m, I’m trying to be purposeful and live in the moment. So I usually ask. about, you know, philosophy you live by or defining a purpose. If you thought about what your purpose is, right? Do you think about things like that, you know, or do you think about legacy? Is it purpose or is it legacy? And is there a philosophy you live by?

So, that’s something I’d wanna know. Well, I believe every man’s purpose is to provide and protect for women and children. So, to me, like, our purpose is, is, is Like, uh, the purpose of a male, I believe is to obviously reproduce and then protect and provide for women and children and women have their purpose.

So that covers both men and women, but. Uh, to me, you’re asking more of like my individual idea of what I want to accomplish in life. And quite frankly, I do want to accomplish certain things. Like one of them is being a billionaire. I want to be a billionaire. Cause to me, when I was young, I used to think a millionaire was everything in the world.

And I thought once you get to a million dollars, man, you’re living in the mansions and flying private and all these unbelievable things. And that’s not a million dollars. I realized once I became that man, multiple millions of dollars is not that. So I want to be a billionaire to achieve the millionaire status, if that makes sense.

Um, and I’ve always said I was going to be, so I want to, I want to finish and hopefully I don’t die before that happens, which I’m pretty sure, uh, you know, God willing, I’m going to be alive for a while. I’m helping too many people, David, like literally, but that’s my passion. That’s where I was going. So, dude, what I want to do is I want to show people, um, The average person, man, I’m not trying to help you.

If you’re already a millionaire, get to more millions, even though I could probably help you do that too. I want to help the people that haven’t busted a hundred G’s. Like if you’re out there in the world, not making a hundred thousand dollars or more brother, you need to reach out and we need to have a discussion because it’s not that difficult.

And if you’ve got the will, then the rest is easy. I can show people exactly how to get to two, 300, 000 a year. And yes, you will be selling something. But, but, but once you’re at two or $300,000 a year, dude, life starts to change a little bit. And I think everyone deserves to live at least at that level.

And maybe 20 50, 90 years ago, it was only a hundred thousand. But again, just like a billion is the new million. 300,000 is the new 60,000 a year. You know, you need to make two, $300,000 a year to get out of the trap that you’re in. You know, grabbing the shovel and the spatulas and, and serving people food and, and all the things that, that pay like that, people are like, well, Brad, you better be thankful people are willing to do it, or no one would be there to serve you.

Listen, if there was absolutely nobody there to serve me, I’ll get it myself. Okay. But I would feel better if everybody lived at a certain level. I don’t like it when I see little kids whose parents can’t afford Christmas presents, dude. You know, I don’t think it’s fair and I want to change it, but You know, a lot of my rich buddies tell me, Brad, those guys, you can’t help those guys, which they may be true.

They may be right. Um, but when you say what’s my passion, I think about helping children. Cause I don’t like abused children and I want to help, I want to help the normal person level up. People say why? Well, again, dude, it’s number one, it’s fun. It’s fun to do. It’s fun to watch somebody not understand the basics.

And then they start to get it and their freaking face lights up and do their life changes. And I’ve got the ability to do that for people. So it’s fun. Yeah. Uh, all worthwhile goals and see, that’s interesting. I find that very interesting, but you are, you, I mean, speaking of that, you, you’re starting a new show, right?

Brad vice. Is this, this a new show? Well, we’re, we’re working out the bugs, but yeah, I’ve been releasing, uh, our attempts at making a show called Brad vice. It’s Brad Vice. No, it’s B R Advice. It’s Brad’s Advice. Live calling show. Nobody’s doing it, man. I remember back in the day when, you know, Hello, caller!

Go ahead, caller! You know, I’d listen to them and I’d be like, you know, listening to their stories and their problems and sh And I thought, dude, I don’t have, there’s no, there’s none of those. So let me start one. So watch, bro. You watch. There’s gonna be a bunch of them start now. I love it. Uh, I remember when we used to do those clubhouse rooms, that was fascinating, you know, to have people come up and ask questions and, and, and whatnot.

And I thought it was fantastic. Cause you always have a lot of advice, good advice to give. So that’s what Brad vice is about. How many have you filmed? How many episodes have you done there? You know, what’s the format? We’ve done it about four times. The format is I go live broadcast, the phone number. If anybody wants to talk to me live, call the number.

And dude, like, 100 people call and I just go down the list and answer their questions and give them advice, you know, and I, and I shut them down pretty quick. I don’t want to hear your story. I want to hear your advice or I want to hear your question. Like if you start with a story, I dropped the call and go to the next one.

Don’t start with the story chief. Do not start with the story. What does that mean? Okay, go ahead. Call her. You’re on. Hey, my name’s Jerry. I live in a small town. My mother, when she was young, it’s like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I’ll drop you. What do I want? I want your question. Hey, Brad, how you doing? Hey, here’s my question.

What do you do when blah, blah, blah, blah, how do I handle blah, blah, blah, blah, what’s your thought on blah, blah, blah, blah. I don’t want a story. Why? Because dude, whatever story you’ve been telling yourself is why you have these questions. I don’t want to hear the story. I want to see it with a brand new perspective.

And when you want to tee up the story, people are like, well, this is, you know, germane to the, to the, to the question. No, it isn’t. What’s your question. That’s more germane than the story leading up to it. Do you know how I know this? Because a lot of times, dude, we don’t even realize what question we should be asking.

There’s people that think they have a sales problem when they have a marketing problem. They’re asking questions about sales. When they should be asking questions about marketing, they’re asking questions about how do they get their wife to do this and that when in reality, they’re there. They should be asking a question.

How do they get themselves to do this and that, which would then lead to their wife doing that. So it’s almost like, dude, we can’t even figure out what questions we should be asking. And that’s sad because if you want to answer your questions, you need to ask the right question to get the right answer.

You can’t answer, you can’t ask a question that’s wrong and expect to get the right answer. So again, if I were out there in the world listening, well, what is, what should I take from what Brad just said? Go really think about, are you asking the right questions? You know, I can’t seem to figure this out.

Well, are you asking the right questions? You know, you might, you might not be asking the right questions. That’s possible. And I’ve also heard you, you know, answer deep philosophical questions like what’s the secret to happiness, et cetera. And I’m sure you’re going to get some crazy questions on that show, but I’m looking forward to it.

I think that’s a format that you should be, uh, involved with. I think you should be taking live questions cause you’re good at it. So I think you should be doing that. Okay. Wrapping up here, uh, you know, you talk about seeking knowledge. Reading books is a big part of your life. I always wanted to ask you your, your top book recommendations or like, what are you reading right now?

I don’t think I’ve ever asked you what your, you know, what books may, maybe three books that had the biggest impact on your life. Well, I think the one I go to always, that every person needs to read, man and Woman is the four Agreements. If you just. Understand and thoroughly master the four agreements.

You’re going to do just fine. To add to that, I would say, go read as a man thinketh, I think it’s James clear. I’m not, I don’t remember, but as a man thinketh and then third, I would recommend the old favorite, how to win friends and influence people. And the reason for that is because relationships are going to be so important.

If you don’t realize that now you will one day that relationships are the most important thing you’re ever going to encounter and or value because think about it, dude, relationships is where money comes from. People want more money, but they fail to make more relationships. The money you get currently is from the relationships you currently have.

If you, if you want more money, you need more relationships. So at the end of the day, relationships are important and that book will teach you how to, you know, find, attract, and nurture those relationships into strong, uh, ties and resources and a network. And again, a network will affect your net worth.

Yeah. Now, the only, the only other one I would probably say you probably should read, I mean, is one that teaches you about, you know, self worth and confidence. If you, if you don’t have any self worth or value for yourself. You’re, you’re going to have an issue getting where you want to go as well. A lot of people are insecure and they disguise that insecurity with arrogance and, and all of these other things.

But if they ever took the time to go actually raise the value they have for themselves. Through doing the work, by the way, people say, well, how do they do that, man? You got to do the work. The reason why you don’t believe in yourself is because, you know, you’re fully, you know, you haven’t done the work, you know, you’re not up, you know, you’re not giving your best, you know, you’re not giving your all, you know, these things, why?

Cause you’re, you bro, you know, you’re cheating yourself. And so at the end of the day, if you want to stop that, you literally just do the work. And all of a sudden you start to stand up taller and feel a little better about yourself and your self worth goes up. And when your self worth goes up, your net worth goes up.

So at the end of the day, a lot of people are like, man, how do I make more money? And they’ve been racking their brains for years. And it’s like, wait a minute, you don’t respect yourself enough to make any more money. You really don’t have. The belief subconsciously that you’re worth more money, so you’re never going to make more money, and you’re going to struggle for years trying to figure out why you can’t break through these, these barriers.

Yeah, that’s, that’s great advice. Because, because you’re never going to outperform your own self image. Mm hmm. No, I think that’s important. Um, the, the, uh, four agreements is fantastic. And as a man thinketh, it’s a quick read, but it’s so profound. I think that’s the original, you know, I think that’s the original manuscript for manifestation without saying it really, you know, I thought that was, uh, it was such a powerful book.

Um, actually a book I just recently read. It’s a long read and I never thought a biography would have this much of an impact on me, but it’s a Steve jobs biography. That one had a, I learned a lot from that book actually. I didn’t think, you know, I read it out of curiosity more than anything, but at the end of it I was like, this is one of the most impactful books I’ve ever read.

Well, again, I think, I think, Steve, you know, I, I, I, I want to be more like Steve because he didn’t care even more than, than I don’t about everyone else’s opinions. I, I, I have too much empathy and. care about people’s feelings more than he did. I wish I could be that cut and dry. Cause I don’t think he meant to do it.

I just don’t think he gave a whether he did it or not. He wanted what he wanted. And when you’re like that, bro, your business decisions are crisp and clean. And he was, was correct. You know, he was a visionary. I think, I mean, you know, he, to me, it’s like, I got a painting, uh, in my, uh, Game room that has me, Einstein and Steve jobs.

Why? Because dude, Steve jobs is a badass, was a badass. You know, the book said he was a, the book said he’d fire somebody going up the elevator by the time they hit the third floor, they were fired. And it was because they opened their mouth and you know, he was just ruthless. You know, he’d, he’d walk in and say, Hey, that needs to be moved over an eighth of an inch.

And someone would say, well, well, Steve, that would cost us 3 million. You’re fired. Boom, replace somebody, move it over an eighth of an inch. Don’t, don’t tell me our limitations. Like he was a that way. Well, dude, if that’s, if that’s what drove him to change the world. Was he a d or was he just him?

Unapologetically him. Yeah, I think it was unapologetically him, but you touched on it. I think the biggest takeaway for me is if you believe in something that wholeheartedly, like, don’t let anybody distract you from the end goal, right? And he was, he was the epitome of that. But like, dude, you know, people ask me, what’s the hardest thing of building companies?

Because I always build them. I’m not smart enough to buy them. I’m starting to buy companies, by the way. Um, it’s easier to buy them than build them. But as I build companies, everyone says, well, what’s the hardest thing? You know, the hardest thing is people, you know, finding the best people, you know, people are, well, what do you mean?

How do you find good salesmen? Can’t you just develop them? I agree. You can find some, some normal people, turn them into bad ass salespeople, but that takes time, energy. And resources. But what about executives? What about leaders who believe what you believe? What about people that have ethics and integrity?

Where do you find those? Why? Well, because dude, I can teach skill to anybody. I’m just looking for good people willing to work. And believe it or not, dude, there, there, there seems to be a little bit of a freaking awakening where nobody really wants to freaking work. Nope. So again, like I told you earlier, I could change lives.

Well, dude, they’re going to get the bad news that they actually have to work. They actually have to frickin be uncomfortable. You actually have to make a decision and sacrifice. You’re going to sacrifice some things you don’t want to sacrifice, but that’s why it’s called a sacrifice. You give up the things that mean less to you ultimately because yeah.

I’ve got a saying, and by the way, if you heard this, it’s mine, bro. I don’t care if it’s made the rounds and now somebody, you know, that heard it doesn’t believe I authored it. But if you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice. You’re going to sacrifice either way and people don’t realize that.

So they sacrifice, you know, getting in shape because they want a donut. Well then, well then you sacrificed getting in shape. For the doughnut if you to sacrifice the doughnut, well, then you’d have gotten shape. So when people start to realize well That’s why I can’t stick to a diet Right because you don’t actually want to be in shape you say you do and you think you do consciously but deep down You don’t want to be in shape.

You don’t want to be in shape Stop yourself if you wanted to be in shape, you wouldn’t eat that doughnut. I can’t help it. Yes, you can help it See, this is my point. This is limited scarce nonsense We’re human beings, bro. We’re, we’re, we’re technically miraculous by definition. The human being is miraculous.

So at the end of the day, man, you can do anything you want. You have to realize it’s not rocket science. It’s not hard. There’s a lot of people out there sold that life is hard. It’s not easy getting rich, dude. It is easy getting rich. Okay. The, the, the, anyone can do it. It’s not that difficult. But yes, it takes work.

Yes, it takes action. Yes, it takes sacrifice. Yes, it takes frickin, you know, a little suffering, but dude, that’s why they put gold in the fire. It’s to burn gold. Burn out any of the impurities. So when you have tough times and adversity, dude, it’s, it’s molding you into what you’re dreaming about, but then you run from that and wonder why you can’t ever get to what you’re dreaming about because you’re not willing to do what it takes.

So I’m going to circle that back all the way back to your first question, which is your habits, getting the habit of doing the right thing. And I guarantee your life’s going to be fricking amazing. Well said. Deep and profound as usual. Uh, Brad, what’s next? Uh, current projects. Uh, where do you want the people to go and check out what you’re doing right now?

Well, listen, normally I’d say, ah, you know, just follow me. But here’s what I want you to do. If you’re not making the money you want to make, Go to bradley. com and there’s a tab that says work with me. I’ll train you and put you to work. If you’re making a bunch of money and you just want to follow good advice, humor, and have some entertainment, just find me on Instagram or Tik TOK.

It’s the real Brad Lee. That’s LEA. Fantastic. Brad, you never disappoint. You never disappoint. Really enjoyed this conversation as usual. Uh, thanks for joining us today. Really appreciate you, man. My pleasure. Thanks for having me.

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