RICKY BLAIR – How to Unleash Your Potential In Real Estate Business

Academic education is not the be-all and end-all of success. Sometimes, sheer determination can take a person a long way, which is exactly what Ricky Blair experienced.

Blair left school at 16 and immediately started working. He then started a real estate company in London, which won awards, and became a subject of a bidding war among big-box real estate companies.

I had this burning desire to prove the school system wrong and demonstrate that you could succeed even if you failed an education system,” Blair told us in our latest podcast.”

Blair also founded Platform Seven, a business coaching consultancy that aims to help young individuals unlock their potential in business and in life. The goal is to teach people ideas and principles that they don’t learn in school.

It’s also his way of giving back considering how important mentoring was for him when he started out in the real estate business.

It was huge for me,” Blair said about mentorship. “It saves time. It prevents you from making mistakes.

Blair has a term for his mentorship program: success therapy. This didn’t just work in real estate, but for businesses across the board.

Here are some of the topics we covered during our conversation:

  • The importance of doing things differently (9:10)
  • Less pressure, better performance (11:05)
  • Doing the fundamentals right (12:51)
  • Real estate is a process (14:55)
  • Mentorship (16:20)
  • Selling the company (20:52)
  • Platform Seven (23:03)
  • Education system doesn’t prepare you for the journey ahead (24: 11)
  • Burning desire to succeed (25:32)
  • Pausing can make you see clearer (27:02)
  • Reminder apps (29:31)

Blair also touched on what he wants to see in the future. He hopes that Platform Seven is going to have an impact among Americans just like it did in England.

Blair has brought Platform Seven to Los Angeles after a successful stint in England.

On that note, Greater Property Group is also pleased to announce that it has partnered with Platform Seven in providing exclusive mentorship and real estate training to new agents.

The partnership aims to help new agents kick-start their career, as well as help established agents take their real estate business to the next level.

The program will cover the following topics within 90 days:

  • Goal Setting
  • What Makes a Great Agent
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Manifesting / Achieving Goals
  • Patience / The Process
  • Self-Doubt / Fear
  • Work Ethic
  • Discipline & Sacrifice
  • Challenging Times & Making Mistakes
  • Reputation in Business
  • Organisation / Efficiency
  • Excellence & Standards
  • Setting You Apart from the Competition
  • How to Be the Best

Greater Property Group and Platform Seven are both invested in helping real estate agents unlock their potential by obtaining knowledge and learning new skills.

Contact Ricky Blair

Email – info@greaterpropertygroup.com

Website – https://platform-seven.com

Instagram – instagram.com/platform.seven

Ricky Is the founder and director of platform seven, a Los Angeles and London-based life and business coaching consultancy that helps unlock potential in young entrepreneurs and sales professionals and reveals the kind of trues that are never taught in school from a young real estate entrepreneur himself, and now to a life coach, business mentor and success therapist.

He gives young people the self-belief skills and strategies. They need to succeed. Ricky, welcome to the RUN GPG pod. Thank you very much. Thanks for that intro. That was great. Yeah. Well, it’s your bio. It’s impressive. I was looking forward to this, this show for a minute here. We were connected originally, by James Harris, right?

Friend of the greater property group. And soon to be, I dunno if you know this, but soon to be two time guest, alumni of the RUN GPG podcasts. And he was. You know, you’re saying to me, you got to talk to Ricky, you gotta have a meeting with Ricky. And I’m really glad that he actually connected us because when we started talking about things, we ended up having a lot in common, but then it also became evident that you have a really interesting story and so much value you can give to young entrepreneurs and young sales professionals, particularly in real estate.

So again, really looking forward to unpacking all of the. And discuss it here. So first of all, Ricky, at your interior introduce things, can you, can you give us some background on your journey as a young, real estate entrepreneur in London? Like where did it all start for? Ricky Blair. Okay. So it started, it talks about alumni, as you say it started with me failing miserably at school.

I enjoyed school. I don’t think I was. I just, I was stumped and challenged by exams. I could, I knew the knowledge by couldn’t. I apply it into an exam setting. So I had no choice really, but to leave school at 16. And basically I had this burning desire to prove the school system wrong and demonstrate that you could succeed, even if you’d found an education system.

So I just have this ambition to get out there and start working thought any money. Interesting. Is that high school? 16 is that high school? I left high school at 16. Yes. Slightly differently in England, but, but yes, I, I didn’t go to what we call university. Right. So, so you’re a high school dropout basically right.

Yet, or bad grades, as you said, poor prospects, yet you go on to establish an award-winning real estate company in London. Like how did that happen? Can you bring us through that journey? Okay. So I, my attitude, my mentality was I was desperate to succeed. Well, I wanted to do at that age was find someone to show me how to succeed.

Someone had done it themselves. I want to learn, learn the wrong ways I want to learn from someone’s mistake. I just, I was desperate to, to be guided in some way. My attitude was at 16. I’m very employable. I’m young. I’m not going to cost anyone that much money. So I wanted to try different things. So I was just about trying different fields, different genres of different jobs.

I started, like I add, I, responded to an advertisement and I took a job as a tea boy as a junior, as we call it in London, at a commercial real estate brokerage. That’s where it started for me. And 12 months since that job, that thing, or that person I was looking for literally sort of stumbled into my life.

Super successful multimillionaire real estate guy in his early fifties. His name was Nigel and he came along to me out for lunch one day. And that’s when everything changed. Interesting. Okay. So you go on to create this brokerage and, and from what I understand, and of course when you and I talked originally, this became a very disruptive brokerage, and I know that’s a buzzword, but you did some, you know, when, when a brokerage or a company or, you know, a business does something that’s different from their competition.

You know, the word you naturally hear is disruptive, but, yours was as well. What does your real estate brokerage or your company do to transform the industry? So I was, I was at 24 years old when I set out on the broker summit with my two business partners. And we, I guess it was frustration having worked for somebody else for six or seven years prior to that, we were very young, very ambitious.

We had always created different ideas and all of a sudden we set up the business and we looked at it that we have this blank canvas, where we can literally go about, sort of tapping the industry in whichever way we want it. We were a young, younger demographic. I think what else, what also helped us was we never worked for these big corporate organizations.

So we were sort of molded in this sort of cookie cutter away. It wasn’t like, this is how you have to do it. We were free. And I remember my business, Paul and Michael always said it to me. His attitude was 50% of what we do is his real estate. We buy some real estate. We sell real estate, we let rent out real estate.

But the other part, we remarketing agent. And we just looked at the way it was done. And we saw all these different, industries around us evolving, changing. We just went for it and we started to implement. I think our attitude was if we wanted to achieve things different, if you want a different result, you have to do things differently.

And that was our mantra. I’m glad you brought that up. One of the pet peeves I have is when you, when a real estate agent is asked what they do, because I’m a realtor and, and you’re not, you’re, you’re in the professional marketing business. Right? And, and I think that you have a, such a phenomenal opportunity when somebody asks you what you do to differentiate yourself, right?

Like I help X, you know, a desired result, whatever that might be, but. I like the way you’re thinking, you know, you were focusing on marketing differently, but you also did something else. You focused on, the young agents, the young entrepreneurs, right? Eventually, how did that happen? So my two business partners and I, we all left.

We all left education at 16 or 17. And we were all given an opportunity. And in my case, I was this mentor that I refer to, who literally taught me how to succeed, how to achieve, how to, how to go about sort of tackling and approaching a lot of real estate. We were all given an opportunity. So when we set up our own brokerage have somewhere to stay at 24, 25, we, we, when we, when it came to employing and recruiting as a way of sort of paying it forward, we would only give young people.

So we would only employ young. We look for the same attributes and qualities in each young person we came across and it was a, it was a formula of the world to meet. We were sort of known for it. So was that focused on young people? Was that deliberate or was that organic growth? It was deliberate in this such that we wanted to give back, but what we found was, I mean, we didn’t necessarily tell people this at the time when we recruitment was one of the most important pieces of our business.

And every time we recruited, we never looked at someone’s resume. We didn’t care what they did, what they had or hadn’t achieved in the education system. All we wanted to see was who they were, where their ambition was, what their, why was, what was driving them and the beauty of hiring young adults.

Thirsty, you have this drive and desire and an energy about them. And secondly, they hadn’t, they had no faults. They hadn’t sort of learned bad habits and we can mold them and guide them and nurture them in the way which we felt worked. And that was. Yeah, it’s super interesting. You know, you created a company that focuses on the young agent, the young entrepreneur, and it’s, it’s interesting when you create a hip, disruptive brand, you attract your tribe right.

Much like our company has, you know, w we can say that we’re definitely, you know, the agents are attracted to the brand for different reasons, but, can you, can you touch on that or speak on that? Like, how important is it that you find your people find your tribe? I think the key, one of the most important parts of the business was the team, the team we built, then the morale, the, the energy in the office, the culture.

And I just, I think like attracts like in life. And I think who we were, what we represented, the way we conduct ourselves, our ethics, our principles. I think we, we, we, we, we attracted that in terms of the people that came along. I thought, I think we were, we were perceived as a very attractive place to go and work.

We were moving in the right direction. We were seen as this company that gave young talents an opportunity. Yeah, we’re finding that as well. You know, it’s funny, you know, especially when it comes to branding, there’s difference between branding and selling in our opinion, but you know, brand, you know, when people get to know like, and trust you and they see your success and the success of your agents and what your brand is all about, your mission statement, core values, you start to start to attract those people.

You know, your company is not for everyone, but it is for certain people that want to be a part of that super proud of our brand, as you were as well. What are your thoughts? And I, I, you know, You know, catch you off guard on this one, but your thoughts on the, from a brokerage perspective, there’s a phrase that’s been going around lately and it’s, it’s the death of the big box brands.

I think the challenge they have is there, there is a part of me that feels our styles in the they’ve been doing the same thing thought for years and years and years. And I think we did volunteer smaller niche, more nimble businesses have. They can be more flexible. They can adapt. They can pivot, especially during challenging times or times of change a lot, a lot easier.

I do think they, I do think they all going to have to change these big corporates. I don’t think in the same way it’s going to work, especially when subsequent transformations happening in business right now. So I, I personally think that new are big corporates. We’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll come along and be built as, as a result of these changes.

Yeah. I tend to agree with that, this stale little tired, you know, it’s time for an update. They don’t adapt as easy as the boutique brokerages. And as you said, like you guys really niche down and you became attractive to the big box brand at that point, but yeah. Interesting. Thought I just wanted to get your, your thoughts on that.

So now you help young professionals realize the potential, right? You had successful agents in your company. What did you do to make them successful? Like how did you help them? What did your training look like? Was it about mentorship? How did you help young agents become successful? So I had, I had this mentor taught me how to, how to visualize, how to dream, how to set goals, how to achieve those goals.

I’m more importantly than that. He told me. All the skills and the attributes you needed to succeed in business in life. Things like work ethic, efficiency, organization, consistency, treating people the right way. We try w when, when we employ these young young guys who come in one of the time, A big part of that.

And the way we load them was we had this, we had this mentoring and coaching program and the way it worked was we, it wasn’t like some set program. Each person that came along was different. They had their own skills or in qualities, their own strengths. I mean to give you an example, most brokers CA came into the, into the company and they just were so determined to do the big, big numbers.

So, so quickly, one of the first things we did was take all that pressure off them. We just said, we found the, the less pressure they had, the more laid, performing, easier, the best aid perform. And what we do was we had a process. We would see where they are at. We saw what level they were at. We would see what they were good at, what are bad.

And we would just sort of dip in and out very informally. We’d sit down with them. We would, we would, we would highlight where they were struggling, where they need to improve, but I need to refine. And as I said, no, two people, this. And I think the other, one of the biggest attributes we have is three business problems around the business.

We kind of show them the way we lead by example, in terms of how we conduct ourselves, how we behave, how we, how we handle deployments, the honest advice we were giving. Before we knew we had sort of 40 to 50 of these young, young, young people on all under a company brand. And we sort of w w we sort of refined this sort of, this sort of coaching and mentoring, which I now refer to like success therapy.

It was, it was a mixture of old-school mentoring. It was an independent life coaching, but it was also, it’s almost a bit of therapy as well. As a result, I think it seems to work. And when we felt with the company, we were sort of known for helping young people with this sort of success therapy. And before we knew we had all these young people from all different walks of life and all the businesses, young entrepreneurs reaching out so often, and we were sort of, sort of spreading it as much as we could.

That’s awesome. Success therapy. I liked that phrase. What was the quality you saw in the most successful agents at your brokerage? Like was there one, you know, overwhelming quality that the most successful, you know, agents had? Okay. So I think to be a, a good steady seven out of 10 agents, I think you just need to do the fundamentals.

Right. And we see, we used to say this to all of our people. If you, if you work hard, You do what you say you’re going to do, and you are likable you straight off. You’re doing the fundamentals, right? It’s not rocket science. And it was amazing how many hours they didn’t do those three things. But I think to answer your question more, what sets what’s the best DePaul?

What time? The seven out of 10, 10 out of tens was I think for thinking entrepreneurial thinking, they weren’t just process things. They were thinking outside the box. They’re being creative. I think, I think the value brings your clients is when you can be a little bit creative and come up with ideas and you don’t just processing.

That’s what, that’s, what changes the game in our opinion. That’s awesome. That’s a good answer. I like doing the fundamentals. I mean, paying attention to those things, you know, we, we just, you know, on our company meeting this morning with our guest speaker, You know, he used a slide presentation was showing Kobe Bryant and, you know, three 30 in the morning working for hours on layups, you know, and little jumpshots the fundamentals.

And he said, that’s why I’m the best in the world because I work on the fundamentals. So it’s not, yeah, it’s really Floyd Mayweather. Something like, he’d go to the gym at four in the morning, simply because he knew the Walter, he was in the gym, his, his opponent was literally sleeping and it just psychologically gave him an edge.

Isn’t that awesome? That it’s profound. Right. So yeah. Successful trait. What advice would you give a new agent fresh out of real estate school? Like ready to get going? Like what’s the most important things for them to focus on? That is a great question. I think going back to what I was just saying before.

You’ve just got to do the fundamentals. Right? A lot of people got into, into real estate thinking it’s just sort of a veil and a place for them. They’re going to come along succeed and make a lot of money. The work ethic pace is underestimated. And the, the other thing, I think one, the most important bits of advice is you.

It’s the process. It’s it’s you, you’ve got to do, you’ve got to do the right things at the right time. You’ve got to start from the bottom. You’ve got to learn your trade. You’ve got to be patient. And by the way, this is fine, which my mentor massively helped me with. I wanted to run straight away. If, if I had my way, I started at 16 by 18, I would have been running my own, my own business.

But it is a process and you cannot, you call that you can’t leave steps out along the way, or you will get caught out further down the. That’s that’s good advice. Well this, you may have kind of answered this, but what mistakes do you see new agents making? Like, is there one thing you see them doing that they shouldn’t be doing?

Kind of answered this, but what mistakes do you see new agents making? Like, is there one thing you see them doing that they shouldn’t be doing? I think along those lines, I don’t want to call them not that they want to, they want to run quickly, but I think it’s also doing the right things, being honest, giving the right, just, just being a good person, treating people the right way people do up in the fact that they look for a short term game.

So, you know, you could, you could do a big, big deal, which can make you a lot of money. But some will roll their reputation on that one deal. And, you know, you, your reputation is going to stay with you for 30, 40, 50 years. It’s not worth it to, to make that, that the commission will not want to deal. And that is where we see a lot of, a lot of mistakes made.

Yeah. Yeah. That’s a, that’s a good point. Yeah, profound insight up. You talked about this at the beginning here, but just, just your thoughts on the importance of mentorship for young entrepreneurs, how important is that? It was important for you. It was huge for me. Yes, I had to do sort of up and my hold up mine to the Balkans.

So I, I’m not sure I’ve ever done it without a mentor. From, from my, it saves time, it prevents you from making mistakes and also I find it amazing mentoring. It’s almost, it’s almost unspoken. We’ve we’ve mentioned two people there and Floyd Mayweather, and you were talking about Kobe Bryant. It’s quite amazing how many high-achievers, whether it be in business, sports, the, the entertainment industry that has mentors and he’s not spoken of from the Serina Williams is the Oprah Winfrey’s to the Tony Robbins is, that the people in business, Mark Zuckerberg it’s it’s I think it’s.

Yeah, I agree with you. I think it’s really important to have a mentorship, you know, a system or, you know, you clipping with the right people, especially when you’re new in the business or a young, real estate agent super important. Can you touch on goals? How important is it for young agents, new, you know, young entrepreneurs to set goals?

Like what kind of goals should they be setting is I guess the second part of that, I think it’s important. Not, not just for young ages, not just young real estate brokers. I think for anyone in any walk of life goals, It’s probably been one of the most important things that in my own journey, You’ve got to know where you’re going.

You’ve got to set a destination. Otherwise you just sort of end up anywhere. You’ve got to know where it’s all sort of pointing towards, In terms of young broken, I think it’s about, I think that’s sort of how we nurtured our own people. The goals I would recommend are things like, billings, I, you know, the commission they’re trying to bill, six month targets, 12 month talk it’s it’s it could also be like the, the level of the size of a, of a, you know, a house or a building they’re looking to sell.

Oh, it could be told thing, work on a certain strength, weakness, or fund they want to improve upon, or maybe they want so expand their, their networking. There’s so many different things, but every six months, every 12 months I had different goals and it’s it’s. That’s awesome. Yeah, I liked the way you said that.

Okay. Can you speak on company culture? W we talked about your company and the culture at built, and of course that became attractive. How do you build a successful culture? How did you build a successful culture? So I think from the outset you set, what you’re all at you you’re all about as a business, what do you stand.

In, in all cases, it was getting on people and opportunity. It was giving them the freedom. It was giving the freedom to be creative and entrepreneurial. But I think, you know, I’m big, I’m a big soccer fan. So growing up as a kid, I was massive on sports management, football management, and I, some of the patterns I used to see was you could have the best squad or best team of players in the world.

But if you’ve got one or two bad eggs, destructive causing problems, the whole, the whole sort of stuck a cause will fall down. So one of the most important things for us was everyone had to get on with each other. There was always good vibes, good energy in the office. I remember when we did interview people looking to employ people to one question, not off air in the back of my mind.

Well, I want to be in the same office, but I want to spend my time with this person every day. Well, every working day of my life, and I think the fundamentals at the end of this week, we had a team of 35 40 people and they all have the same attributes. They will all first and foremost, they were good human beings.

They had the right principles, the right moles ethics in place. And, and, and, and I know this will sound dramatic, but it was so true. If somebody came along that we interviewed, but a genuinely believe could have built the big phase, big fakers, let’s say a million million or $2 million a year.

Categorically. If they were a bad personal, they’re not fit with the culture we were saying no to. Because it was again, the sh it’s a short-term gain extra million or two a year, but it’s too damaging too disruptive. What it, what it can do elsewhere. Yeah. That’s that’s well put and it stopped being overly dramatic.

You’re absolutely right. You know, you want to cut that, you know, that. If it exists, right? It’s use that analogy, but it’s true. You know, the chemistry is super important, you know, championship teams, they have that chemistry, they have that company culture, right. So it’s super important now, okay. To bring this full circle, you end up selling your company to multiple bidders.

I love that. How did that happen? So we were, we changed the game in terms of how we, how we going about our business. We, we, we, we, we, we, we were only working with, design agencies, branding agencies. Different sorts of artists. We were looking to see things differently and it got to a size where we would dominate a market within central London, where all the tech companies, were flocking to, we were dominating the small K and w every, every building we went for every pitch we went for, we, we, we, we seem to win and the big brokers couldn’t help, but take notice.

It was, it was, it was bizarre. Each one by one, the biggest were making us offers. We weren’t interested in selling. I mean, we couldn’t quite believe what was actually happening to us, but even though we weren’t interested in selling, we, we were, we were talking to these big brokers and one by one, they were almost explaining to us what they would do with our brokerage.

If they bought her. So we, we sort of decided we weren’t going to, we weren’t going to sell, but what we did do was take one as advice and guidance, we put together this sort of game plan we put together, which was, this is where we’re at. This is where once they got the business to this was our strategy.

These are the multiple revenue streams in the palms we were going to create. And we believe if we can achieve with that over a two, three year period. We initially we were interested in, in selling cause we wanted to move on and do different things. And, and at the end of it, we got the numbers and, and the right company was there to make us the right bet.

And, just after in 2016, we call it the offer and, and that changed. Yeah, it’s interesting. Right. You, you know, you start out and you have no idea. It’s going to go to multiple bids and eventually being bought by a major company. So really, really interesting. Okay. So, you leave London, you’re now in Los Angeles and you create a platform seven, it’s a brand new company.

It’s a new concept that works closely with young people in business to understand their interests and ambitions. And help them conquer fears and challenges to be successful specifically young entrepreneurs. Right. So can you tell us, about the concept as well as, why it was created? Like what exactly is platform seven?

So we have to success. There are peoples working within, within my business has some real estate. When we sold the company I had to, I had to stay on for four years, which was, it was tough. I had to hit, hates a number. It was quite, it was, if I’m honest was a little bit boring, I was excited by the challenging selling half turn.

And then I have to stay around. I said it changed everything. Not only did it, it was very good for me personally, that the sale, but he sort of been hauled our reputation as the go-to guys that help young, young, young adults and entrepreneurs succeed. So one by one more and more people that were reaching out to us.

And for those four years to keep me occupied, keep me busy. I was, I was working with these young, young entrepreneurs, young, young adults. And, and I started to realize the success therapy thing just work and a lot of real estate, it was across the border. So when I came to LA, I realized there was more and more need for it.

There’s so much desire to succeed and achieve out here. And basically what we doing is the, the, the, the gap between education succeeding. The education system does not prepare you for the journey ahead. It doesn’t get you thinking about what you want from life, how to go, how to go about achieving it. And also all the attributes.

My mentor taught me every time I learned these things. I was obsessed with success of studying and observing why successful people succeed and why failures fail. And if I had a dollar for every time, I remember the saying to myself how they don’t teach me this growing up in the education system. So that’s all we do.

We work out where someone’s, that we work out their own unique gifts and skills. We give them a roadmap to get to where they want to get through. And we gave them the tool with learnings teachings on the stand. If they need it to get there, I’m sort of guiding them along the way.

Yeah, well, you’re a true entrepreneur, Ricky that’s for sure. Okay. Moving along here to, personal development, we always like to ask our successful guests what they’re doing in their personal life that makes them successful. So, as we talked about at the beginning of our discussion, you, you know, you were drawing.

I’m sorry, I keep, I keep saying that you okay. I would drop the atmosphere up. Yeah. Bad grades, outlook. Didn’t look great. What do you think was the main driver behind your success? Like how did you turn it around? Was there something inside of you that said I need to succeed at some point? The day I got my final grades, I looked around old people who have succeeded.

I, I, I literally made a promise with myself. I made a deal with myself that I was going to prove that this was not the be-all and end-all I had this burning desire to succeed. So I think I’m a big believer. Ah, When Nissa has hall gate, it’s not something you aim for. It’s a decision that we will Smith says, you, you just decide what’s going to happen.

And that was it. That’s what was happening. The other game changer was like he referring to him that the mentor that came into my life, it absolutely changed the game for me. I must have saved myself 15 to 20 years in the process. Shout out tonight.

What does your daily routine look like? Do you have one, do you have a regimented morning routine, a daily routine, anything like that it’s somewhat changed during COVID? I think, I think in my real estate days, my routine regime, I just want. And that lab there’s no much, there’s no much types of strategy that it was, it was seven days a week.

He was okay. It was an obsession. I think. Now it’s been refined during COVID I think, I think the biggest tweak or change I’ve made during COVID listen, we all work hard. It’s it’s been a key part of, of, of, of, of, I think most what’s allowed me to get to where I caught you so far. But I’ve actually found the pools and taking little breaks, downfall.

I mean, I never thought I’d be wanting to go for a walk in the middle of the day, but just, just getting away from it or giving yourself a doubt. So from the weekend, I’m actually starting to see the benefit that that has by tracing space and by slowing things down, it almost allows you to see clearer.

And that’s been a huge game changer for me, but yes. To achieve big things. I was always told. And you have to, you know, you have to live and operate in the right sort of way. So work ethic. I tried to look off myself. I meditate, I work out, I eat clean. I think, I think you just gotta do all the basics. Right.

But that’s not going to guarantee success, but you’ve got to be doing the basics. Yeah. It’s well, put the bait, doing the basics, right. Is everything.I find that, you know, COVID has really forced people to control what they can. And I think people are coming out of this are still in this thinking, okay, well now I have to do something.

I can’t just sit on a couch all the time. I need to put some sort of routine back in my life or take control back in some way. And I think people are starting to focus on that. So we’d like to ask that question, but you’re right. Look after the fundamentals, eat clean, get some exercise, go for a walk, clear your head.

I think that’s so important because there’s all this weirdness coming out. Us information news, not news, whatever it is. It’s I mean, there’s so much fog out there. I’m also a big believer that one size does not fit all. And then you see some guys who, who were living off four or five hours. So working 18, 19 hour days, some can do it.

Some it works for, but everyone is different. And I don’t know. It’s, I think you’ve got to find more work for you. What routine, what, see, what allows you to operate and be at the best you can be? Yeah, couldn’t agree more. Is there an app or a piece of technology that you cannot live without? Well, Dahlia was so significant in all, in with our business, social media.

I’m not huge on social media. I just, you have no idea account. You have no idea. Okay. I will there and pop on seven apps and the with, but one thing that Liberty Serena Williams always said, she, he didn’t spend too much time on Instagram or social media, but she was so busy focusing on her own goals and dreams.

She didn’t have time to look at others achieving mez. So I’ve never been big on social media, but I think in terms of intelligent technology, I’m, I’m always going back to basics. The first thing I was ever told was, if you say you’re going to do something, you do it. If I tell you I’m going to call you next Tuesday at 1230, I’m not forgetting that.

So in almost your question. Ramon the apps I’m obsessed with reminder apps. I, I kind of forget things and there’s so much information, so many conversations, so many things you tell people that you’re going to do. You just call that in and things sort of econ. I can’t drop the ball on anything. So I’m big, big on that.

If you’re an entrepreneur or you run a business of any kind and you don’t do not have a means of, being reminded or running with reminder apps. I don’t dunno how you’re in business. I really don’t like, you know, I mean, I, when I go to bed at night, sometimes I, you know, you wake up, you know, quickly set up.

Dammit. I have to put in this reminder, I’ll forget. And it’s like five things you forgot about for the next day or the next week, you know? So David, but it’s just so basic, but there’s no sign, which people think about. And it’s it’s, as we said before, if you, if you do the basics, right, you are, you are absolutely ahead of sort of 70% of the field.

A hundred percent. Couldn’t agree more. Okay. We’re going to land the plane on this question and give this some thought you, you don’t have to answer right away. Maybe no, this may be a dome, but you’re opening a bottle of champagne a year from now celebrating something you’ve accomplished. What would that be one year from now?

That’s a great question. I think from my perspective platform, seven being established. Being a name in the mall kit. I’m more importantly starting to have the impact on young Americans and the way it did it back in England. I, it, it, it, you know, when we did what I did was established back in England because is my reputation, but here it’s new people don’t know sort of who I am or what I found back there.

But yeah, it’s this business. Yes. Yes, it is a business. It’s I I’ve got to give, I’ve got to pay it forward. I’ve got to help young people because someone wants change my life. So I guess the answer, your question is, is established my Mo and he’s having the influence and it’s having a positive impact in the way it has had on me.

And. Yeah, I like that question because it forces you to think, you know, about a goal one year from now, you know, you already hopped it out there, but, you know, it was a good question. Great question. Yeah. Yeah. It makes sense though. What an awesome discussion. I really enjoyed this, you know, super good to get to know you better and talk about what young entrepreneurs and sales professionals can do to grow and scale their business and the changing industry.

And I believe the children are the future. Thanks again for today could not take him into.

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